21 October 2013

Running Thoughts: The Walking Dead - 4x02

My stream of thoughts while watching The Walking Dead continues. My instant thoughts written while watching the walking dead and later edited for spelling, grammar and general nonsense...

If you have not seen this episode yet, do not read on, lots of spoilers ahead for episode 4x02

The Walking Dead 4x02 - "Infected"

Most of the time I watch and type at the same time pausing when I need to, today I was eating my dinner when I sat down to write this, so I let it run until I finished eating... big mistake. The new show runner has really stepped up his game and seems to be as much a fan of the suspense and the gore as we are. I am now going to rewind those 8 mins and watch again from the start typing as I go! Warning not for the squeamish!

19 October 2013

TV Heaven: Veronica Mars

TV Heaven, because sometimes we have to say goodbye to our favourite things...

Veronica Mars

Genre: Dectective
Girly: Yes
Set in High School: Yes
Hot Guys: Oh yeah, Logan Echols and the nasty cop do it for me!!
Mystery of the week format: Yup
Currently running: Nope (3 seasons)
Status: A long time ago we used to be friends... and it was awesome

Why you should watch it...

14 October 2013

Running Thoughts: The Walking Dead - 4x01

My stream of thoughts while watching the walking dead continues for another season. My instant thoughts written while watching the walking dead and later edited for spelling, grammar and general nonsense...

If you have not seen this episode yet, do not read on, lots of spoilers ahead for episode 4x01

The Walking Dead 4x01 - "30 Days Without Accident"

After last season's disappointing finale where The Guv'nor lived, I am hoping for a few things this episode. Firstly I am hoping that Daryl and Carol are finally getting it on, I hope that Carl is still the little psychopath I have grown to love and I hope that there will be plenty of blood and gore. If the title is anything to go by then we know that this will probably be the case!! Yay!

09 October 2013

Autumn 13: The New Shows

Yay!! It's time for the autumn schedule to start again and there are so many new shows to sink my teeth into. Unusually for me I have had not devoured all of the trailers for the new shows before they aired, so I was going in a little blind to most of them.

I think at this stage I have seen at least the first episode of almost all the new shows and here are my quick summaries with longer ones of my favourites to come...


This may have had an interesting premise on paper, but in reality I just don’t care. I think it would have been mildly more interesting if the whole family being kidnapped thing had been resolved at the beginning of the first episode and then the rest of the series was looking at a new America with the American People being the hostages under a new regime that had been forced upon them. Sort of a dirtier Scandal! Now that’s something I could get behind, this hostages however I will not be watching any more of.